- All products are eligible for our 90 day money back guarantee and you can find our refund policy below. However, the shipping charges outside of the mainland USA are always non-refundable.
- FOR SINGLE PACK PURCHASE: You will not need to return the used bottle. You will receive a 100% refund after filling out this form. You are only entitled to one refund like this per product per year.
- FOR MULTI-PACK PURCHASE: You only need to return the unused and unopened bottles after completing this form . However, to prevent misuse or abuse of this refund policy, please note that the following rules must be observed:
- If you have used only 1 bottle (a 30-day supply): we will issue a refund for that bottle and all unused/unopened bottles you return.
For example:
- You purchased a 6-pack of a supplement
- You used 1 bottle and returned 5 unopened bottles.
- Once received at our warehouse, we will issue a refund for all 6 bottles.
- If you have used more than 1 bottle (a 30-day supply): we will only issue a refund for the first bottle and the unused/unopened bottles that you return. You will not receive a refund for the second or subsequent bottles that you used.
For example:
- If you have used only 1 bottle (a 30-day supply): we will issue a refund for that bottle and all unused/unopened bottles you return.
- You purchased a 6-pack of Emma Relief.
- You used 2 bottles of Emma and returned 4 unopened units.
- Once received at our warehouse, we will issue a refund for 5 bottles (the first used bottle of Emma plus the 4 unused units you returned).